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The Season of Thanks

Thanksgiving is coming up soon and with that in mind, I wanted to do something different today. Instead of writing about braces, orthodontics, and oral health, I want to list a few things I’m grateful for. With Thanksgiving so close to the end of the year, it’s a good time to pause, look back at […]

You Could Benefit From Orthodontics And Not Even Know It

Most people who get braces do so because they’re not 100% happy with their smile, whether it’s crooked teeth, a gap, or a bad bite that’s bothering them. Whatever the issue, it’s something they see (and don’t like) every time they look in the mirror. But there are many people who could benefit from orthodontics […]

Navigating Halloween With Braces

Halloween means candy. For most people, it’s a once-a-year indulgence that doesn’t do any lasting damage. But for orthodontists, what’s scary about Halloween is the possibility of our patients doing serious harm to their braces – not to mention overdoing the sugar. If you’re a parent of a child with braces who’s still young enough […]

Celebrate World Smile Day

The first Friday of every October is World Smile Day, a feel-good holiday that asks everyone to devote one day to acts of kindness that bring a smile to one’s face. The holiday was created by commercial artist Harvey Ball. You may not recognize the name, but you certainly recognize his work, as he was […]

Celebrate National Dog Day

August 26th is National Dog Day, so today I want to do something different and focus on our four-legged furbabies. The US is a nation of dog lovers, with more than one in three households in the US having a dog, and they deserve celebrating!   Having a Dog is Good for You Did you know […]

Science Shows Smiling Increases Health and Happiness

Want to know how to increase your health and happiness? I’ll tell you. It’s not difficult. It’s not time-consuming. It’s not expensive – in fact, it’s free! It’s smiling!   Physiology and Emotion That’s right, the simple act of smiling has been shown to boost your mood. This is due to the interaction between physiology […]

Summer Snacks for Your Smile

Many snacks are loaded with sugar and fermentable carbohydrates that are terrible for your teeth, but snacking doesn’t have to be bad for you. In fact, there are some snacks that are actually good for your smile! The following foods have qualities and nutrients that boost oral health and are perfect for summer.   String Cheese and […]

Done With Braces, Now What?

Congratulations! Your braces have been removed and your teeth are freshly polished. You have finished your orthodontic treatment and your glowing grin is the prize. But now that you’ve said goodbye to rubber bands, metal brackets, and floss threaders, what’s next? You have finished months of treatment to gain a beautiful smile, so you want […]


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